SBE Launches SBE 39-Plus

October 9, 2014

The SBE 39-plus is an enhanced version of the popular SBE-39 with enhanced memory and reporting formats, more sample rate options and USB interface.

The SBE 39plus is a high-accuracy temperature (pressure optional) recorder with internal battery pack and non-volatile memory for deployment at depths up to 10,500 meters. The 39plus is intended for moorings or other long-term, fixed-site applications, as well as deployments on nets, towed vehicles, or ROVs. Calibration coefficients are stored in EEPROM, allowing output in decimal or XML ASCII engineering units ((°C/°F and decibars or psi).
The thermistor, the same sensor used in the SBE16plus V2 SeaCAT  and 37 MicroCAT, has a long history of exceptional accuracy and stability; drift is typically less than 0.002 °C/year.


Two configurations are offered:

The optional strain-gauge pressure sensor is available in eight ranges, from 20 to 7000 m. Compensation of temperature influence on pressure offset and scale is performed by the 39plus' CPU.

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