CMS-Geotech Ltd
- Ocean/ Marine Services-Construction (marine/port/harbor)
- Ocean/ Marine Services-Site Investigation
- Science & Research-Benthic / Seabed Sampling
Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ
United Kingdom
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +44 01502 514641
- Web: http://www.cms-geotech.co.uk
Falmouth Cornwall TR11 2TD
CMS-Geotech is a specialist marine geotechnical survey company offering bespoke seabed sampling & marine geotechncall survey support and consultancy services to contractors and operators around the world.
CMS-Geotech also owns and operates its own 24m UK MCGA Certified Cowrie compliant survey vessel, MV Flatholm, providing specialist geotechnical survey services and support to the marine industry. MV Flathom is available for short and long term charter with full crew and cook and with accommodation for 12 people and a 50 square meter aft deck, she provides a comfortable and practical space for survey operations.
CMS-Geotech consultancy services provide specialist advice and support associated with marine survey site investigation planning, seabed sampling, geotechnical & geophysical interpretation, geohazard analysis, seabed processes & sedimentology, contaminates, dredging performance parameters & determination of geotechnical hazards.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +44 01502 514641
- Web: http://www.cms-geotech.co.uk
CMS-Geotech has extensive experience in marine geotechnical site investigations and seabed sampling surveys and owns, operates and hires out an extensive range of equipment including Standard & High Powered Vibrocorers, Datem 5000 CPT, USNEL Box Corer, Gravity & Piston Corers, Hydraulic Clam Shell Grab, Standard & Mini Hamon Grabs, Single & Double Van Veen and Day Grabs & CEFAS type Beam Trawls.
Datem Neptune 5000 CPT

Datem Neptune 5000 CPT
High Powered Vibrocorer