Marine Science News

Franks to Lead Jacksonville University's Marine Science Research Institute

Jacksonville University on Tuesday announce Dr. Bryan Franks has been named the new Executive Director of its Marine Science Research Institute (MSRI), succeeding the founding executive director, Dr. A. Quinton White, Jr., who is retiring after a 48-year career.Dr. Franks is a distinguished marine scientist, author and educator. Known for his student-centered approach to research and innovation, Dr. Franks has been a key member of the MSRI team, fostering meaningful relationships and partnerships that have advanced marine science education and research."Dr. Franks has developed the relationships

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Coral Bleachings Devastate Bali Reefs as Sea Temperatures Rise

enough to withstand the rising ocean temperature."It's predicted that the coral bleaching will occur more often, between one or two years with the current temperature," he said, quoting the latest research by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science.However, Sugiarto says he is determined to continue his campaign to conserve corals, and is advocating coral conservation to younger Indonesians and seeking funds to establish a village community to monitor illegal fishing."We feel that we have the obligation to guard the sustainability

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Most Marine Protection Measures are Not Working; A New Approach is Needed

The radio crackles into life on a small boat off an idyllic beach in Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia. Two recreational fishers are trying to catch prized spangled emperors in a sanctuary zone, where all fishing is supposed to be banned, to help protect this fish from overfishing.A recreational fisher further down the coast is using his radio to alert others of the imminent arrival of marine park wardens in a patrol boat. The two fishers calmly stash their rods, power up the large outboard engine, and motor away from the sanctuary zone. By the time the wardens arrive, all appears calm and well.

Freshly emplaced (since 2018) lava mounds (black with yellow hydrothermal mineral staining) at the crater floor of KSM (Jan 2023). ROV Jason prepares to insert a temperature senor into a newly formed hydrothermal vent (yellow stained area, bottom right) within the recently erupted lavas. (©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Low Gravity on Ocean Worlds Might Help Sustain Warm Water Circulation

A new study led by team members at UC Santa Cruz used a complex computer model to investigate how the influence of low gravity, as found on ocean worlds in our outer solar system, could influence flows of water and heat below their seafloors.The work was conducted as part of a multi-institutional “Exploring Ocean Worlds” NASA program, led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Senior Scientist Chris German. It has shed new light on the potential for seafloor hydrothermal venting —which hosts some of the most primitive life forms on Earth — to occur on other “Ocean

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The Potential of Restoring Marine Habitats

. D. Mastrandrea, T. F. Bilir et al. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press), 1655–17317.Gattuso, J. P., Magnan, A. K., Bopp, L., Cheung, W. W., Duarte, C. M., Hinkel, J., ... & Rau, G. H. (2018). Ocean solutions to address climate change and its effects on marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 410554.8.Sumaila, U., & Tai, T. (2020). End Overfishing and Increase the Resilience of the Ocean to Climate Change.9.Danovaro, R., Aronson, J., Cimino, R., Gambi, C., Snelgrove, P., & Dover, C. (2021). Marine ecosystem restoration in a changing ocean. Restoration Ecology, 29.10.Valdez

Photo of muddy mixed sediment in Halls Bay, Newfoundland in 1990. (Natural Resources Canada)

New Research Sheds Lights on the Huge Carbon Store in Canada’s Seabed

a wide range of environmental data within a machine learning predictive mapping process to create the first national map of organic carbon stocks in seabed sediments.The resulting high resolution seabed carbon map covers 4.5 million square kilometres, which is nearly 80 per cent of Canada’s total marine area or 90 per cent of the seafloor area above 2,500 metres.In total, the amount of carbon estimated to exist within the top 30 centimetres of seabed sediments across Canada is 10.9 billion tonnes. This is equivalent to approximately 100 times that of all Canadian seagrass beds and saltmarshes combined

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Thailand Hopes Trackers Will Boost Conservation of Endangered Leatherback Turtles

Off the shore of Thailand's resort island of Phuket, marine conservationists have released 11 baby leatherback sea turtles into the Indian Ocean, hoping they can thrive in the wild and return in two decades to reproduce.The release of the year-old turtles, each about the size of a rugby ball, follows an intense conservation effort to boost the leatherback's survival chances after the discovery in 2018 that the endangered species had returned to lay eggs in southern Thailand.The stronger turtles have successfully made their way into the ocean, while others perished after hatching, so a programme

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More Than 60% of World's Coral Reefs May Have Bleached in Past Year

Nearly two-thirds of the world's coral reefs have been subjected to heat stress bad enough to trigger bleaching over the past year, the leading agency monitoring coral reefs said on Thursday.The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced last month that the world's coral reefs were in the throes of a fourth mass bleaching event, as climate change combined with an El Nino climate pattern has pushed ocean temperatures to record highs.Now, the agency reports some 60.5% of the world's reef area has been affected and that number is still rising."I am very worried

An oiled Kemp’s ridley sea turtle rescued from the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. CREDIT: Shigetomo Hirama

Sea Turtle Hormone Levels Affected by Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill -Study

New research is revealing potential impacts on the hormones of sea turtles affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.The 2010 spill, the largest marine oil spill in history, is estimated to have exposed hundreds of thousands of sea turtles to oil and killed up to 86,500 juvenile Kemp’s ridley turtles, a critically endangered species. In the aftermath of the oil spill, 319 live sea turtles were recovered from the ocean and taken to rehabilitation facilities for medical assessment and treatment. Responders collected blood samples to assess the health of each turtle, and a

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