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Digital Edge Subsea Ltd
- Instrumentation / Ship Systems-Digital Video Systems
- IT consulting
- Renewables
- Rental Equipment
- Software & System Engineering
- Data Interpretation, Management & Processing
- ROVs
- Oil & Gas
- Diving Equipment, Contractors & Vessels
A world leader in offshore digital video recording (DVR) + inspection systems. Digital Edge Subsea develops and manufactures DVR products for use throughout the offshore oil and gas industry including diving, remote operated vehicle (ROV) and topside operations.
Ulverston United Kingdom
Cavendish St Doubletree Court
Ulverston Cumbria LA127AD
United Kingdom
Ulverston Cumbria LA127AD
United Kingdom
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 01229 206456
- Web:
EdgeDVR Mobile Workstation

EdgeDVR Mobile Workstation
The Mobile EdgeDVR Workstation brings you the power of a 4U EdgeDVR unit but in a portable form factor. This portable workstation comes with a total storage capacity of 30TB and 3 screens.
EdgeDVR 4U Rack Mounted

EdgeDVR is a 4U rack-mounted unit with a total storage capacity of 12TB. The system has 3 removable hard drives which store the survey video and photos. The Windows 10 Pro operating system is stored on a solid-state hard drive for increased speed and reliability, with a second solid-state hard drive for redundancy.