- technology advantages
- technology centers
- monitoring solutions
Seattle WA 98107
BioSonics has manufactured scientific echosounders for over 34 years. BioSonics first introduced fixed-location hydroacoustic fish monitoring in 1980. BioSonics introduced the mobile scientific echosounder in the mid-80’s and since evolved the technology to the current DT-X Digital and MX Habitat series. Systems can be configured for mobile, automated fixed-position, and submersible autonomous deployments. BioSonics echosounders are used in all aquatic environments where accurate assessment of marine life abundance, distribution or behavior is required. Versatile, rugged designs allow for use in every environment imaginable. Technical staff includes a team of experts in software and electrical engineering, fisheries science, oceanography, and hydroacoustics. BioSonics’ rich combination of products and technical services provides unique monitoring solutions for researchers, regulatory agencies, and private industry. Our clients include hundreds of federal, state, and provincial agencies, research institutions, and private sector entities worldwide. BioSonics works closely with major research laboratories including; University of Washington, Oregon State University, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Battelle Pacific Northwest National Labs, and Moss Landing Research Laboratories. With a network of international sales agencies, BioSonics products are currently available through authorized representatives in over 20 countries worldwide
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 2067822211
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- Fax: 2067822244
BioSonics technology centers around focused, split beam and single beam hydroacoustics. Core products are the DT-X and MX series mobile echosounders for fisheries and aquatic habitat assessment.. Digital transducers with superior signal to noise ratio, extremely low side-lobes, and sophisticated multi-frequency, multi-channel systems are some of the unique technology advantages offered.
Recent innovations include: • In partnership with Liquid Robotics, development of the Wave Glider DT-X SUB – A persistent, long-range hydroacoustic data collection system that is self-powered and capable of trans-oceanic surveying, with automated data collection and reporting capabilities. • Development of entirely new echosounder system and specialized data processing/visualization software – The MX Aquatic Habitat Echosounder and Visual Habitat Software for aquatic vegetation, substrate classification, and bathymetric assessment and mapping. • Custom-built automated salmon counting system for the Quinault Nation utilizing split-beam DT-X technology and programmable pan/tilt aiming software • DT-X SUB autonomous submersible echosounder deployed in SCINI ROV for Moss Landing Marine Labs • 5-week seafloor deployment of self-contained DT-X SUB observatory for temporal water column profiling as tidal energy pre-installation baseline study in Puget Sound, Washington. • Automated debris monitoring system for nuclear power cooling water intake