Woods Hole Group, Inc.
- technology profile
- individual port operators
- Project management
East Falmouth MA 02536
Woods Hole Group is an international environmental consulting organization, in business for more than 25 years. Headquartered in Falmouth, MA, Woods Hole Group has satellite offices in Dover, DE, Houston, TX, and Rio de Janeiro Brasil, along with a network of international representatives. Woods Hole Group focuses on water and sediments, and works in diverse environments from the deep ocean, through beaches and estuaries, and into wetlands, rivers and the terrestrial setting. Clients span a range of traditional and marine renewable energy, government, research, and private sectors. The company has scientific and engineering expertise in the areas of Physical Oceanography, Systems Engineering, Coastal/Civil Engineering, Geomorphology, Sea Level Rise Planning, and Environmental Impact/Risk Assessment. Representative projects include offshore measurement programs, and port and harbor monitoring systems. The company also works with shoreline protection infrastructure, dredging and dredged material management/disposal, as well as site assessment, remediation, and restoration. Senior Scientists and Engineers provide technical leadership, supported by a dedicated management team. The company maintains a clean health, safety and environmental record, bolstered by commitment to regular staff certifications and training. Project management training and business systems ensure high-quality, on-time deliverables within approved budgets. Woods Hole Group has averaged double-digit year-over-year growth since 2005.
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (508) 540-8080
- Web: http://www.woodsholegroup.com
- Fax: (508) 540-1001
Woods Hole Group focuses on: Coastal Sciences, Engineering & Planning; Applied Ecology; and Oceanography & Measurement Systems.
Ocean observations are at the heart of Woods Hole Group’s technology profile, including real-time data for safe and efficient marine operations. Teams design, build, deploy, and operate meteorological and oceanographic buoys, moorings, and platform-based systems. The WatchDog™ metocean system improves data quality and reduces maintenance costs. Woods Hole Group contracts with individual port operators and NOAA to measure water level, current speed, water quality, and bridge air gap to ensure safe navigation and improve maritime commerce. Archived data provide the basis for engineering design criteria and scientific data analysis. Woods Hole Group has proprietary software to turn raw data into the information required by maritime decision-makers.
As a turnkey engineering company for coastal infrastructure (beach nourishment, coastal structures, wetlands restoration, and dredging), numerical models are applied to understand existing conditions and optimize engineering designs. Modeling technologies are offered for tidal current circulation and water quality, wave generation and transformation, sediment/contaminant transport and fate, and storm surge/sea level rise simulations. Relying on sound engineering judgment and field measurements for calibration, Woods Hole Group has proven the utility of numerical models for sustainable project durability, and reducing client expenditures.