New Survey Interface
By Marine Technology Reporter
Chesapeake Technology offers a new 24-bit analog sub-bottom SonarWiz interface (SBP24) for high resolution geophysical surveys. SBP24 provides extremely high resolution 24-bit data at sample rates from 10-100 kHz per channel for up to two channels over a standard USB 2.0 interface. Digitized data is stored in standard SEGY floating point format. The 24-bit data sampling provides greater dynamic range and the increased sampling rates allows for higher resolution of fine scaled sub-bottom reflectors.
CTI offers custom software and hardware solutions to the marine geophysical and seafloor mapping industry for over 20 years. Through its developments in marine surveying technology and solutions, CTI has become the standard for navies, government agencies, survey companies and universities around the world.
(As published in the March 2014 edition of Marine Technology Reporter -