MTR 100: MMT
Posted by Irina Tabakina
Sven Källfelts Gata 11, Västra Frölunda, Gothenburg, Sweden SE-426 71
T: +46 (0)31 762 03 00
E: [email protected]
CEO/President: Stefan Eliason
No. of Employees: 225
The Company
MMT has surveyed more than 50,000 sq. .km of seabead and more than 5000 km of pipelines.
Specializing in high-resolution marine surveys, MMT is one of the world’s leading marine survey companies. It collects, processes and visualizes the conditions of the seabed and the assets on it. Continuously expanding and developing its core skills, it offers assured surveys in bathymetric, geophysical and geotechnical services, specializing in the oil & gas, hydrography and renewable energy & marine cable sectors.
The Tech
MMT manage all clients’ projects with the latest state-of-the-art technology, which is handled and operated by its qualified personnel. ITs specialty is high resolution mapping. We have survey equipment from near shore to deep offshore and innovative techniques for UXO surveys, pipeline inspection and OOS surveys as well as hydrographic surveying. We have a dedicated GIS department. It claims to possess the only ROV capable of collecting high quality data at up to 5 knots.
Equipment resources include: ROVs, ROTVs and AUVs; ROV Excavation; Positioning and navigation ;Multibeam echo sounders; Side scan sonars; Sub-bottom profilers; Sound velocity probes; CP probes; Magnetometers; Gradiometer arrays; TVG; CPT, Vibrocoreres, grab samplers, boxcorers and gravity corers.