Marine Technology Reporter Blogs - pipes
Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials in the O&G industry
Nuvia is one of the leading provider of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) management services in the UK. According to the U.S. Geologists have recognized their presence since the early 1930s and use their presence as a method for finding petroleum systems. Much of the petroleum in the earth's crust was created at the site of ancients seas by the decay of sea life. As a result, petroleum deposits often occur in aquifers containing brine (salt water). Radionuclides, along with other minerals that are dissolved in the brine, precipitate (separate and settle) out forming various wastes at the surface, such as mineneral scales inside drilling and production pipe, sludges, contaminated equipment or components and produced waters.
JIP Collapse Assessment of Offshore Pipelines with D/t < 15
Based on project experience, research, and joint industry development work, DNV issues a number of pipeline codes. These comprise service specifications, standards and recommended practices, and are highly regarded within the international pipeline community. The DNV OS-F101 ‘Offshore Standard for Submarine Pipeline Systems’ provides acceptance criteria and design procedures for pipelines. The standard applies modern limit-state-design principles with ‘safety classes’ linked to consequences of failure. The DNV standard is complemented by several recommended practices (RPs), which give detailed advice on how to analyze specific technical aspects according to stated criteria.
Petrobras Betting on Partnerships to Develop Deepwater Equipment and Solutions
Due to the extreme demands placed on subsea equipment used in the pre-salt E&P Petrobras has been forming various partnerships with local and foreign companies to develop specially designed equipment to tackle the hazards of deepwater pre-salt development. One of the newest partnerships implemented by Petrobras, was for a feasibility study on Flexible pipes for practical oil production in pre-salt area with Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC). JOGMEC and PETROBRAS have a long history of research and development partnerships which started back in 2005, for collaboration on mutual benefit O&G exploration and production activities, HSE related matters, and R&D activities of the O&G sector.
Technip/Flexibras Flexible Products Manufacturing in Brazil
Flexibras is Technip Brazil´s flexible manufacturing plant in Brazil and has been operational since 1986. In Brazil, Technip integrates the professional experience of two large engineering and manufacturing companies: Technip Brasil and Flexibras, the flexible pipe plant located in the city of Vitoria, in the state of Espirito Santo. Present in Brazil since 1976, Technip has 2,200 employees and contributes to the development of the Oil and Gas industry. With an Engineering Center in Rio de Janeiro and an operational base in Macaé, Technip offers services and technological solutions for the production of Subsea deepwater fields, Offshore facilities and Onshore processing units, providing full capabilities and a dedicated vessel for pipeline installation.