Nautronix to Supply DPR System for Rig
By Marine Technology Reporter
Nautronix won an order from HHI, Korea to supply a NASNet Dynamic Positioning Reference (DPR) System which will be used on the Bollsta Dolphin drilling rig. NASNet DPR is a position reference system for Dynamic Positioning that also features the benefits of the NASNet subsea acoustic positioning system and can be used either within pre-installed field-wide NASNet arrays, or as a localized positioning system. According to Nautronix, the system provides robust mitigation against many of the risks associated with both acoustic and satellite positioning systems, allowing multiple users to benefit simultaneously from the same array with no risk of interference. NASNet DPR uses cutting edge acoustic technology combined with a user-friendly interface to provide high speed position updates and stable positioning in water depths up to 4,000m.
(As published in the April 2014 edition of Marine Technology Reporter -