MTR 100: Digital Edge Subsea
Posted by Irina Tabakina
Doubletree Court, Ulverston,
Cumbria, UK LA127AD
T: +441229 206456
E: [email protected]
Director: John Benson
Engineering director: Mike Cameron
No. of employees: 5
Annual sales: 1.7m
The Case
Just four years old, the company has recorded growth that has doubled year on year and it now has more than 220 systems offshore, being used by ROV and diving companies.
Digital Edge Subsea was founded in July 2009 and started trading in early 2010. The company is based in Ulverston, UK. It has designed its EdgeDVR Inspection system to be used by personnel of all abilities. Its strong inspection ROV and technical background has allowed it to deliver a product that is bespoke to client needs. Digital Edge supplies both standard definition(SD), high definition(HD), multi channel recording systems, and alll systems are modular and can be upgraded as required. The EdgeDVR range are remotely accessible via the internet, which allows instant access to the system for its engineers to provide tech support and training.
The Tech
The EdgeDVR Inspection system is housed in a 19-in. rack mounted unit. The system is PC based, running the windows 7 operating system. The demand for HD recording is growing, with more ROV manufacturers providing HD capability, so Digital Edge have developed 3 models of HD DVR.
(As published in the July/Aug 2014 edition of Marine Technology Reporter -