LinkQuest, Inc.
Posted by Irina Tabakina
6749 Top Gun Street, Suite 100, San Diego, CA, USA 92121
T: +1 858 623 9900
E: [email protected]
CEO/President: Ning Xiao, Ph.D.
The Company
LinkQuest manufactures precision acoustic instruments for offshore oil exploration, construction, drilling, survey, environmental study and other oceanographic applications. The company’s acoustic communication and positioning products are based on the innovative Broadband Acoustic Spread Spectrum (BASS) Technology and are widely used worldwide. LinkQuest’s high speed underwater acoustic modems transport more than 95% of the world’s acoustic communication data. These systems have set a series of technical performance records in field deployments all over the world. LinkQuest’s line of TrackLink Acoustic Tracking Systems provide highly robust, accurate and cost-effective Ultra Short Baseline (USBL) solutions.The FlowQuest Acoustic Current Profilers, FlowScout Acoustic Flow Meters and NavQuest Doppler Velocity Logs (DVL) were designed to provide solutions for current profiling, wave measurement, flow measurement or precision underwater navigation applications. These products offer significantly longer range with high accuracy. LinkQuest also manufactures PinPoint LBL acoustic positioning systems and Precision Marine Geodetic Systems used for tsunami and earthquake monitoring and prediction.
(As published in the July/Aug 2014 edition of Marine Technology Reporter -