MTR 100: Texas A&M University at Galveston
Posted by Irina Tabakina
PO Box 1675, OCSB 380,
Galveston, TX, USA 77553
T: +1 409 740 4840
E: [email protected]
CEO/President: RADM Robert Smith III
Vice President: Dr. Patrick Louchouarn
Marketing Director: Bob Wright
No. Of Employees: 306
The Case: Texas A&M University at Galveston’s mission is to inspire and train tomorrow’s engineers, researchers, navigators, scientists and business leaders to unlock the vast secrets of the earth’s underwater frontier.
Texas A&M University at Galveston is a special-purpose institution with a student population of more than 2,200 students concentrating on instruction in marine and maritime studies in science, engineering and business and for research and public service related to the general field of marine resources. The university offers ten undergraduate ocean-oriented degrees, three master’s degrees and one doctoral degree. The university is home to the Texas Maritime Academy. The academy prepares cadets for officer training for the U.S. Navy as well as professional desk and engineering licensing for the U.S. Merchant Marine. The university’s training ship General Rudder takes cadets on summer training cruises to ports around the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. The university is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
The Tech
Texas A&M Galveston’s Gold LEED certified Ocean and Coastal Studies Building has 17 marine science centers and research laboratories and contains more than 17 different centers and laboratories on campus including the Wetlands Center, Seafood Safety Lab, Sea Life Center Research Lab, Center for Texas Beaches and Shores and the Laboratory for Oceanographic Environmental Research. Campus waterfront operations include a fleet of floating classrooms and laboratories with immediate access to the ocean and Galveston Bay.
(As published in the July/Aug 2014 edition of Marine Technology Reporter -