Philantropist Trust Funds Cayman Islands EEZ Mapping
Saildrone has started a mission to map the 29,300 square nautical miles (100,530 sq km) of the Cayman Islands’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).The Cayman Islands EEZ, extending up to 200 nautical miles from its shores, encompasses an area that is 357 times larger than the islands themselves, about half the size of the state of Florida.The mission is being conducted using a 20-meter Saildrone Surveyor unmanned surface vehicle (USV) equipped with the latest multibeam echo sounders and metocean sensors for ocean mapping and ecosystem monitoring, as well as radar, cameras and advanced machine learning.

UKHO Seabed Mapping data to help drive maritime trade and growth in Cayman Islands
Seabed mapping survey sheds light on the shape of the sea floor and habitat areas in surrounding waters, supports the islands’ sustainable blue economy and enables safe navigation.The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) completed a seabed mapping survey for the Cayman Islands, uncovering information about the depth and nature of the seabed and its ecosystems. Geospatial data from the six-month study, launched in November 2021, was undertaken through the UK Government’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund (CSSF), under the Overseas Territories Seabed Mapping Programme. Data was gathered

Conservation for Endangered Reef Fish Yields Results
Nassau Grouper populations increased threefold in response to dynamic fishing management actions in the Cayman IslandsA new study from researchers at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego has documented a successful recovery effort among Nassau Grouper populations in the Cayman Islands thanks to an approach involving government agencies, academic researchers, and nonprofit organizations.The study, published January 6, 2020 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, used a two-pronged approach including tagging and video census data for monitoring

Young Innovators to Compete in Underwater Robotics
cities, remote rural areas of the country, Native American reservations in Minnesota, and the Pacific islands. All of these participants have been introduced to STEM though SeaPerch. The 2017 competition will welcome teams from beyond the continental U.S. with groups from Puerto Rico, Hawaii, the Cayman Islands, the Virgin Islands and New Zealand. Georgia Tech, via a contract with the Georgia Tech Research Institute (Georgia Tech’s non-profit applied research arm), is this year’s event partner and co-host. Georgia Tech is a leading research university that provides a focused, technologic

Acoustic Devices Aid Researchers and Marine Scientists
scientific understanding of the oceans, atmosphere, Earth, and other planets for the benefit of society and the environment." Dr. Ana Sirovic, an assistant researcher at SIO's Marine Bioacoustic Lab, studies the effects of ocean noise on marine life. On a research project in the Cayman Islands studying the spawning behavior of the Nassau grouper, Dr. Sirovic deployed an array of hydrophones to listen to the sounds of the underwater environment. To ensure the hydrophones could be easily relocated, their position was marked with a JW Fishers SFP-1 acoustic pinger. "In addition to

SeaPerch: Inspiring The Next Generation
in the National Challenge frequently include students from inner cities to remote rural areas of the country to Native American reservations in Minnesota to the islands of Hawaii, all of whom have now been introduced to STEM though SeaPerch. This year, the organizers welcome teams from Australia, the Cayman Islands and Puerto Rico. Beginning on Friday afternoon, May 20, arriving teams will first check into their assigned rooms in the LSU residence halls and get settled, then head over to registration in the LSU Carl Maddox Field House where they will check in and submit their ROVs for a compliance

New Recreation Submersible Dives Deep
will be standard, but owners will be able to add more if needed to support their video operations.” Dimensions Length: 13 ft Width: 10.8 ft Height: 6.9 ft Weight: 14,300 lbs Pressure hull ID: 56.7 in Hatch ID: 20.1 in General Certification 1: DNV/GL Certification 2: Cayman Islands Registry Payload: 550 lbs Depth Rating: 6,600 ft Speed: 3 kn Crew: Pilot + 1 pax Variable ballast: 220 lbs Main ballast: 2,755 lb
Triton 1650/3 LP Introduced at Boat Show
; 23.6 in (600 mm) General Certification 1: DNV/GL Certification 2: Cayman Islands Registry Payload: 1,000 lbs (450 kg) Depth Rating:  

Sir Richard Branson Joins Guy Harvey in Great Shark Race
managers are hampered in their management and conservation efforts. Sir Richard Branson is pushing to have all Caribbean nations provide legislated protection for sharks within the next five years as part of the Caribbean Challenge Initiative. So far the Bahamas, Honduras, the BVI and the Cayman Islands have such legislation in place. The mako shark is a close relative of the white shark and is targeted in commercial long line fisheries for its very tasty flesh. The mako is also a favorite of sport fishermen, as it is known for its incredible speed and ability to jump high out of the water