Chief Officer/ 3000GT Master
- Shoreside Operations/ Vessel Operation
A career in the maritime industry that will utilize my knowledge and provide consistent increases in responsibility.
2006-2016 Stood various watches, assist chief officer and Master as needed, performed all duties of a navigation officer and safety office including charts corrections, working on deck, safety inspections, drills, loading, discharging and port security.
Summer Sea Term 2003: Advanced watch standing. Supervision of cadet working parties during watch, maintenance and, repair. Collision avoidance by the use of radar, Voyage Plans and, the use of ECDIS, advanced celestial and terrestrial navigation, splicing of different lines.
Summer Sea Term 2002: Intermediate level work such as junior watch officer procedures, celestial navigation, GMDSS, radar, familiarization with different nautical publications and charts. Supervision of underclass cadets and,Lifeboat Certification.
Summer Sea Term 2001: Freshman training cruise: basic seamanship skills, watch standing procedures, on deck work and firefighting.
Bachelor of Science,(January 2006) in Marine Transportation. From State University of New York Maritime College
Bachelor of Science,(January 2006) in Marine Transportation.
U.S. Coast Guard Unlimited Tonnage License Any Ocean: Chief Mate/Master 3000GT. -GMDSS-Haz-mat -ARPA Endorsement-CBRD-Level One Anti-Terrorism -STCW 1995 CompliantSkils
Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point.
Bilingual: English and Arabic