Petrobras Tech Assets in Advanced Oil Recovery
Wells - Its focus is on various technologies applicable in the well-formation interface, and in the construction of wells, in order to produce low-cost petroleum in mature or middle-aged fields, on or offshore. It comprises the following lines of action: Hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells; Assessment of mechanical damage of the hydrocarbon-bearing formations; Remote treatment of satellite wells in offshore fields; Alternative sand production control techniques; Optimization of well-shooting.
Oil production requires handling of water volumes equivalent to the volume of oil produced, and which tend to increase as the field approaches its mature stage. This project looks to supply plant and software and develop procedures for the proper management of injection, treatment, reinjection and disposal of water produced, activities which affect the costs in the recovery factor and control of environmental pollution. Its lines of research include the following:
Its prime purposes are first to provide seismic technologies to characterize thin and heterogeneous reservoirs, with less than 15 meter thickness, carrying a considerable portion of the oil reserves in Brazil. It also looks to monitor the routes followed by the injected water in reservoirs undergoing secondary recovery using 4D seismics. This last strategy permits the search for remaining oil in the reservoir using infill drilling. The research lines are:
Photo courtesy of Petrobras