International Public Tender for High Resolution Surveys
Invitation to submit bids for the performance of Surveys of Offshore Line Gas Transmission System
Israel Natural Gas Lines Ltd. (the "Company"), an Israeli fully owned governmental company, hereby invites Israeli and non-Israeli bidders to submit Bids for the performance of Surveys of its Offshore Line Gas Transmission System (the "Tender").
The Surveys shall include High Resolution Digital Sidescan Sonar (SSS), Multibeam Echo- Sounder (MBES) and pipeline location and depth surveys (pipeline tracking) and shall also provide a continuous video of the Offshore System and photographs of specific locations.
The contract period, including the Company Option Period is 8 years. The Company is entitled, at its sole discretion, to order the execution of two additional Surveys during the Company Option Period.
The selection of the winning bidder from the bidders that will meet the threshold requirements and will receive the minimum quality score, shall be made on the basis of the highest final score, consisting of the quality score (30%) and the price score (70%).
Threshold Requirements
(A) Bidder's Structure
1. The bidder must be an Israeli or a non-Israeli entity duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was organized.
(B) Professional Experience & Capabilities
2. The bidder has successfully executed, as a prime contractor, as of 1.1.2013 until the last submission date, at least 2 surveys for offshore pipelines in waters reaching at least 60 meters in depth, that included the surveys set forth in clause 12.2 of the Tender.
(C) Key Personnel
3. The bidder must present the following essential key personnel that shall be employed by it (as an employee or as a freelancer) in the management and execution of the Surveys, having the proper qualifications and adequate experience (but no less than the minimum requirements specified in clause 12.3 of the Tender):
3.1. Project Manager;
3.2. Senior Data Processor.
(D) Equipment
4. The Bidder owns or has other contractual right of use in all the equipment required for the execution of the Survey, including at least:
4.1. A suitable vessel, to execute the Surveys, that complies with the requirements set in the Tender.
4.2. An IROV that complies with the requirements set in the Tender or any other tool that complies with the requirements set therein.
In support of its compliance with the requirements set forth in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 above, a bidder may present a valid contract with a sub-contractor that owns the required equipment and undertakes to provide it to the contractor throughout the period of Surveys.
(E) General Requirements
5. The bidder was not declared under the Act for Fighting Iran's Nuclear Plan, 2012, as an entity with which Israeli entities may not conduct business.
6. If the bidder is an Israeli Bidder or an Israeli Resident (as defined in the Income Tax Act), it shall hold and submit all the approvals required pursuant to the Public Entities Transactions Law, 1976.
General Information
The tender documents may be viewed and downloaded on the Company's website
Requests for clarifications may be sent to the tender coordinator, Mr. Ezra Daniel, to the following e-mail address: [email protected] by no later than June 4th, 2020. The company's clarifications shall be published in the company's website.
Bidders shall submit their bids by courier or by e-mail, as follows:
- If by a courier – two envelopes shall be delivered by hand to the tender box designated for this purpose, located in the company offices at Atidim Tower (Building No. 8), 2184 St., Floor 32 Kiryat Atidim, Tel Aviv, Israel (Contracts & Procurement Department).
- If by e-mail – two scanned (PDF or other) documents – one titled as Envelope 1 and the other titled as Envelope 2 - shall be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
The last date for submission of bids is June 16th, 2020, at 17:00 (Israel time).
The above information and requirements are only generally described. The binding version of the Tender is set forth only in the Tender documents. The Company reserves the right to change the said requirements as well as any and all dates, terms or conditions, all as set forth in the tender documents. Bidders should follow company's publications in the above website. The Company reserves the right to cancel the Tender, at its sole and exclusive discretion.
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