General Electric Targeting Massive Growth in Brazil
The development of subsea and compact systems for O&GQ production, and remote monitoring of equipment are among the purposes of this agreement, which highlights the importance GE has had in the development of Brazil´s oil industry. The signing of the agreement is one of the stages in GE's construction of a technology center in Brazil.
Due to the strong prospects for growth in O&G activities in Brazil, Petrobras has been encouraging its main suppliers to install R&D centers here with the purpose of making long-term partnerships in technology. This a fact, as there already are center that are operational or
being built in Brazil by other important service providers such as SLB, FMC Technologies, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, CGG Veritas among others. This trend is aligned with the expansion of the Petrobras Research Center (CENPES) and increased experimental capability in O&G related research by Brazilian universities, is turning Brazil into one of the most important O&G, Seismic and Subsea technology hubs in the world.